I am an 18 year old male and the corners of my hairline have receded about 3/4-1 inch leaving me with a kind of U shaped hairline. I hate the way it looks and I refuse to shave my head so I am wondering if a surgeon would perform a hairtransplant on someone as young as me. The rest of my hair is still thick and I dont have any thinning so I don't see myself going bald within the next 20 years or so. And don't tell me to just live with it because I cant (yes i am aware the I am very vain)
Is 18 too young to recieve a minor hair transplant?
I'm not sure professionally, but in my opinion 18 is too young. If your hair is long why don't you style it with a messy but sexy style to hide your hairline? Here's a link to a picture of what I mean...
Is 18 too young to recieve a minor hair transplant?
I wouldn't do it right now for a couple reasons. The first is if you have started losing it already your going to be in bad shape by the time your twenty five. The second reason is the cost. I've heard it's like $50.00 a hair. That may be wrong, it stopped me. Heath insurance will not cover it. Last if you do the Rogain thing and make it till your 25 or 30 you may only have to do it once instead of two or three times.
Hey do what makes you happy and FUDGE everyone else!
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