Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do hair transplants work. what about for a small area of alopecia?

why don't you go for a consultation with a trichologist and see what they say. hair transplants don't work for everyone,. it depends on the individual so see a specialist. Sometimes with alopeica the hair can grow back.

Do hair transplants work. what about for a small area of alopecia?

in response to Dee978603.

women are aweful candidtates for hair transplants. There is no area of you hair that is not genetically immune for thinning. Whereas the bank portion of a man's scalp rarely thins.

Also, many of these doctors will say what is necessary to generate a sale. Report It

Do hair transplants work. what about for a small area of alopecia?

for that, yes. but not if you are trying to cover a large area of skin. be careful because those things can go wrong. my wife knows of one guy who ended up with horn like bumps on his head due to a reaction to the surgery. if it is just a small area-leave it.

Do hair transplants work. what about for a small area of alopecia?

Hi.. I have androgenic alopecia... I'm sure what type you have, but I am meeting a doc in NY in October, who has seen some pictures and thinks ill be a good canidate. There are some many what ifs with female hair transplants. Your donor area has to have good counts per cm and its not guaranteed that the transplanted hair wont have the same fate as where you lost.

Id love to talk more to you, am posting a great support group I belong to, Please come by and visit, and good luck! There is alot of good women on here, who are going through the same thing.

Also- should you consider it. I would not recommend going to a doc just because they are local... do your research.. very important!!!! Have you been diagnosed? Tons of questions for ya!!!

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