Sunday, November 15, 2009

Needs advice about hair transplant?

I am 23yr old and loosing my hair, does anyone know good hair transpalnt clinic around Delhi. A genuin one pls? Because it is a costly affair and I dont want to throw my money for fake road side doctors.

If anybody knows or has gone through the same surgery, I request him/her to advice me

Thanks in advance

Needs advice about hair transplant?

don't waste money it may not work

Do something natural castor oil mixed with coconut oil/olive oil and apply gentluy on roots and leave for an hr and wash hair once a wk

Needs advice about hair transplant?

dont even think about doing it ok !! twenty years time you will loook a freak .......... there are drugs out now if you want to keep it ........expensive but ............just look at michael jackson ..........has more money that you can dream about ....look what they did to him ...........accept the hand of cards you have been given !!!

Needs advice about hair transplant?

Man- what terrible advice you have gotten so far. I've been through it, and I can tell you that the right doctor can make a hair transplant look totally natural. Today they don't look like those garbage ones from 20 years ago. If you are thinning out and its ruining your self confidence, then do it. There are probably better sites you can get info from, but here's my doctor's site (decent website, great physician):

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