Sunday, November 15, 2009

Should I get a hair transplant and breast reduction ladies?

I am a male who is losing hair and who suffers from breadt enlargement. Do you ladies feel I should get a hair transplant and breast reduction surgery if it will make me look better? I am confident about other things in my life except this.

Or do you think that decent looking ladies will overlook hair loss and boobs in a man? I don't mind women who are a bit overweight or who have small boobs so maybe I am worrying to much about my appearance? Or maybe not in today's superficial world?

Should I get a hair transplant and breast reduction ladies?


Get rid of the boobs. Got a guy at work who needs a bigger bra than most of the women there. That's just nasty.

Should I get a hair transplant and breast reduction ladies?

i can overlook the baldness but get rid of the man boobs.

Should I get a hair transplant and breast reduction ladies?

Women don't care nearly as much about your appearance as you do. Do whatever it takes to make YOU comfortable with yourself, if you're comfortable with you, then you'll have confidence....and that the thing (normal) women look for most.

Should I get a hair transplant and breast reduction ladies?

The hair thing is not that big a deal-- lots of bald guys look hot.

The breast thing? How bad is it? Is it due to an illness?

Should I get a hair transplant and breast reduction ladies?

wat ever makes u feel good about your self but i think a boob jod will do you can all ways get a tupee

Should I get a hair transplant and breast reduction ladies?

Do this for yourself if you want, no one else, if it will make you feel more confident and help you feel better about yourself. If they love you they will accept you, I honestly don't think it will be a big deal, at all.

Should I get a hair transplant and breast reduction ladies?

I can stand the hair but the boobs got to go

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